Despite a false/pagan church belief, God works, but that does not make you a Christian!
A number of church people - especially unpaid & active ones - testify to how God works wonderfully in their lives. For example, in helping people, smuggling the Bible, bringing the Word, seeing through wrong things, and so on. Many of them see this as confirmation of their being a Christian, but unfortunately that is not true.
For example, they cannot see:
1. That the narrow path to the narrow gate is to salvation (Matthew 7:13-14), not their broad church road to the broad church gate...
2. That their church trinity or biunity godhead goes against what Christ teaches in John 17:3 and John 14:1 (1 true God YHWH who is Spirit (John 4:24) and 1 Lord Jesus Christ, with resurrected body (Romans 8:11+Romans 10:9) the Christians as an example.
3. That their church days are determined by the sungod trinity from Babylon (Baalder, Easter, Tammuz); church Sunday for Baalder, church Easter for Easter and church Christmas on the winter solstice of Tammuz.
4. That their church operates as a legal entity registered with the Chamber of Commerce, enjoys tax deductions, has a Loss & Profit Account, has and supports political representation, and so on.
Their churches are not Christian, but the world. And their church faith is not Christian but pagan; a deception. And their feast days are fixed upon idols and their holy days. And their broad church road is hand in hand with the world and idolatry not the personal narrow path to salvation but instead leading to apathy, new age self-spirituality and demonic contamination.
Why then does God work in people's lives in idolatrous deception? Because God is always working and is Love!
“But he said to them, “My Father* works continually, and so do I,” John 5:17
*The Father is the God and Father of Christ and of us (John20:17).
“God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him,” 1John 4:16
Not God's Works but our FAITH determines whether we are Christians or follow Christ (John17:3, John 14:1) and will be saved to eternal life:
“This is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou has sent,” John 17:3
“Believe in God, believe also in me,” John 14:1
“Confess Christ as Lord and believe with your heart that God raised him from the dead, and you will be saved,” Romans 10:9.
Church members with a trinity godhead, biunity godhead or with only one god do not believe Christ, so they are in fact antichrist. And they do not have the Christian faith, so they do not get eternal life.
The fact that God does work says a lot about God, but it does not make church people Christians and they are therefore not saved and not given eternal life! Yet there is good news for them too: after they have turned away from their church faith, they can still lay the foundation for salvation:
“laying the foundations, such as turning away from a course of life that leads to death, faith in God, the teaching of baptism, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment.”, Hebrews 6:1 -2
Please note: Hebrews 6 takes Christ as the starting point, so faith in him and in God YHWH is necessary! Hence also baptism (to Christ, Gal3:27) and (prayer with) laying on of hands afterwards (to God & Spiritual gifts, Acts19:6).
So it is wise not just to rely on how God works in your life, but more on your faith and that that is as Christ says for eternal life (John17:3 + John 14:1) and that that faith was also laid accordingly (Acts19:5+6).
God is calling His People out of that church Babylon; If you are a church member, so are you!
Make haste to leave that ecclesiastical Babylon, because the process to become a Christian takes time. If you understand these words, do not harden your heart, but instead change your way and actions today!