Matthew28:19 not original

Matthew28:19 investigated with the Bible and practical common sense

Matthew28:19 has clearly been forged by insertion of the 3 name formula. Church trinitarians deny this of course and point towards historians between approximately 100 and 300 years AC and their writings or statements are used pro or con the 3 names formula, but let us just look at the verse with the knowledge of the Bible, because that is what Christians do! And let's use common sense in a practical way:

1. The 3 names (Father, Son, Spirit) are no actual names.
2. Baptizing by using that 3 name formula actually causes no one to use an actual name. But Acts19:5 does use the name of Jesus [only], also Romans6:3 and Galatians 3:27 do.
3. Christ says in John20:17  he ascends to "his Father and our Father, his God and our God"; the Father is the one true God. Also read John17:3.
4. God is a Spirit says Christ in John4:24 and is God's Own Spirit says 1 Corinthians 2:11. And we know the name of God: YHWH or YAHWEH.
5. The son of God is called Yeshua or in church Latin Jesus.
6. The Jews/disciples knew that God is a Spirit and thus would never accept a baptism with a seperate God and Spirit. But even knowing God would sent His Spirit: God is One, Romans 3:30. So the 7 Spirits sent still are the same God YHWH!
7. In Matthew the Outpouring of the Spirit hadn't happened yet. And only in Acts2:38 the apostles tell and teach that after/during the pouring out of the Spirit with baptism also the Spirit was provided.
8. After the pouring out period the Apostles clearly baptize to Christ and in his name only (Acts19:5, Galatians 3:27) and afterwards lay on hands to receive God's Spirit and Spiritual Gifts as Acts19:6 and Acts8:17-18 tell us.

Clearly the 3 names formula conflicts with the Bible because the time setting doesn't match with Acts concerning the Outpouring of the Spirit. It also conflicts with the knowledge the Jews and disciples have about God. And it conflicts with what the apostles do after the Outpouring of the Spirit: they baptize in the name of Christ only.

We all know where the 3 names godhead comes from: the RC church and it was adopted from Babylon and it's trinity sungodhead (Baalder, Easter, Tammuz) with holy sun-day, holy Easter and holy Xmas winter solstice. And we know in the third century AC Roman Emperor Heliogabalus officially adopted that Babylonian godhead into Rome but as things usually go that pagan godhead would already have been worshipped by the people already and will have influenced worshippers and rites and thus historians (!) already. Click here to read more:

We also know who collected the handwritten Scriptures to make the Bible: the RCC church. And then you also know why they started burning the handwritten Scriptures: to avoid people detecting forgeries...

Luckily common sense in a practical way and with the aid of the Spirit always brings to light fake and forgery.

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