Getting to know God

God is a Spirit (John 4:24) and despite the fact that there are 7 Spirits of God poured out on the Earth (Rev 5:6): God is 1 (Rom 3:30). He is the only true God, Ex 20:1-4. He is the Eternal.

Getting to know God JHWH

God exists & works

Hearing God's Voice!

Starting with God leads to God

God: 7 Spirits but still 1 God

The true name of God

God's Name: our Breath of Life!

God's Name visible in the Bible

God: the Savior of Christ

God is not a creature

God alone is the Alpha & Omega

Reconnecting with God

God's Promises for your life

Without God no Love!

But then: who is Christ?!
Getting to know Christ 
