Churchy laying on of hands doesn't lead to God, neither to the receipt of the Gifts of the Spirit!
Prayer with the laying on of hands after the baptism of faith into Christ (Galatians 3:27) leads to God who is a Spirit (John 4:24) and receipt of spiritual Gifts (Acts 19:6). Faith in the one true God YHWH who is a Spirit and in Christ (John 17:3 + John 14:1) is the starting point. Without that faith you cannot come to God and Gifts via Christ.
So just "just praying with the laying on of hands", while you believe for example in the church's triune godhead, biune godhead, Jehovah's godhead or in one God only leads to NOTHING or to demonic contamination. With the church version of the laying on of hands, nothing changes: the church members remain in the church and continue as before in a worldly church context. Although some can testify to sudden tongues (the least of the Gifts that testifies to unbelief 1Cor14:22 / without a tongue interpreter 1Cor14:28) or prophesying (without confirmation of the prophecy, which can only happen later) and where "good weather prophecies" are usually not from God . "All are "performance art" as a very short snapshot "to justify reception" where the Gifts take shape in the personal lives of Christians and are mainly aimed at the outside world to go out into, not in the inner church world into which the church member enters or stays in...
God's Gifts are actually very personal and meant to go out with; certainly not just concerning tongues or prophesying. And in terms of composition, not the same Gifts for everyone.
Being a secular church member shows that you are not a Christian and are not connected to God; the church faith is an unbiblical faith in a worldly way on the broad church road leading to the broad church gate leads to deformity and eternal destruction (Matthew 7:13-14). The false church faith that leads you to eternal destruction in that way and manner does not lead to God and not to God's Gifts. Logical too.
Even worse: churches that focus on spiritual gifts, the working of the Spirit and actively practice the laying on of hands, usually have many members who are demonically infected. The laying on of hands for powers is very common in many occult religions and so is the presence of such people in such churches; think of psychics, fortune tellers, hypnotists, reiki, kabbalah, and so on. What church members are left with is massive demonic contamination. And yes: demons can also do "miracles" like speaking in tongues, make you fall, cry and prophesy, but spoil everything and everyone!
As a church member with a religious faith, you will receive neither God's Spirit nor the Spiritual Gifts if you are lucky, unless you have occult people among your hands. Then you become demonically infected. For the Christian in Christ and in Spirit, that contamination is often immediately visible or God whispers it to you or you experience the unpleasant effect immediately. For church members, this contamination is invisible and usually goes unnoticed.
It is important to know and realize all this so that you do not continue to wander into deception into disfigurement. Prayer with the laying on of hands without the necessary faith leads to nothing or to harm.
How then to proceed? First put aside the unbiblical church faith; spiritually and physically (= giving up church membership and leaving the church and staying away from it!). Read more about it here:
Getting insights on how all churches are in Babylon
1st aid kit for church members
Politics/voting: not for Christians!