How about your eyes?!
God provides everyone in Christ and in Spirit with the Gifts of the Spirit to go out with. One of the Spiritual Tools is the Gift of Insight in Good and Bad, which mainly (but not exclusively) works by seeing the eyes of a person. A look into the spiritual state of a person:
"The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!", Matthew6:22-23
Bad in different ways
There are multiple ways to live in sin and also to be completely immersed in bad. Different ways lead to different looks!
Leading an unclean life usually results in eyes that look totally GREEN, poisonous green. Unclean bodily (through forbidden sexual acts) or spiritually (through acts of idolatry or evil paganism).
Leading a life aiming at self, newage, egoism leads to eyes looking as mirrors of glass.
Leading a life with evil satanic/demonic aims leads to black eyes sometimes even the eye sockets!
Leading a life with demonic guidance for "healing" or "spells" (wicca, kabbalah, esoterism, etc) leads to marbled eyes, sometimes merged with black or mirror glass.
Leading a church life in church paganism (through Babylonian trinity, condensed biunity or just with a godhead) leads to eyes with fat black or dark borders of the irises or black eyes.
"The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on those who are evil and those who are good.", Proverbs 15:3
There are many more bad/evil ways to live and thus many more ways the eyes show it. Also those evil ways can merge and thus the eyes show a merged way of those evil ways
Visible without the Gift?
Only when the fruit of the evil ways is very severe it can sometimes be seen by people that are not in Christ and not in Spirit. Yet most people that see it will ignore what they see and think it's all about the appearance only and since no one made him or herself it's not their fault. It shows their spiritual blindness and ignorance...
Spiritual state visible in everything!
If your beliefs are churchy pagan or otherwise worldly pagan your eyes will show it. If you commit sexual sin: your eyes will show it. If you are a wiccan, into Kabbalah, into satanic/masonic rites: your eyes will show it!
No matter how they are displayed: in direct contact, in the mirror, through photo or film or even drawn in a painting: it will be visible. So you cannot hide from your evil ways. Not for God YHWH, not for Christ and not for Christians in the Spirit. And even when that Christian didn't receive that specific Gift: God will tell about it through thoughts, feelings, visions, dreams, etcetera.
So don't try to hide your ways, but be aware they are visible and the only way to get rid of the bad light of evil in your eyes is to leave those evil ways behind for good! How to do that?
1. STOP your old life and its evil ways
3. Get to know Christ Yeshua
4. Get to know God YHWH, a Spirit
For church members:
How to recognize church Babylon
1st Aid kit on how to leave church Babylon