
Looking for answers or a way out?!
Do you see in this world in crisis -filled with violence, terrorism, wars, abuse of powers, hate, addictions, violence of nature, etc- no way out? Do you also think "is this all there is?". Do you wonder how and where this world will end and consequently how you will end also?

Do you see also that worldly power, worldly wisdom and world-religions do not bring the world ahead at all, but instead lead to more unsolvable problems, more abuse of power, more fake solutions, suffering for humans and animals, more environmental problems, poverty and wars?

Becoming, being- & staying a Christian

Only after the Ascension to Heaven and the outpouring of the Spirit it is possible to become a Christian and be called a Christian (Acts 11:26).

* Wanting to become a Christian is wanting to get to know Jesus in your life, while you also believe in God so knowledge of both Jesus and God is needed. Moreover you need to know and understand how to follow Christ personally and to willingly live according to what Christ asks. The biblical conformation of that knowledge, faith, personal way and commitment is sealed by the baptism in Jesus name (only) as we know from Romans 6:3 and Galatians 3:26-27. That baptism leads to Jesus only #. In that way a person is baptized in Christ.

Jesus (Yeshua) Christ

Jesus is a creature; created by GOD before HE started his work of Creation says the Bible in Proverbs 8: 22-31. That is also why Jesus is called the Firstborn of God. Jesus therefore calls his God ‘Father’, but also ‘his God’ (John 20:17). That is why Jesus says to Mary Magdalene just after being Resurrected that “I am ascending to my and your Father; to my and your God”.


God is the only Eternal; He has always been and has always existed. His name is EL, ELOAH or YHWH. The Eternal has no visible or tangible body, but is a Spirit (John 4:24).
However, HE can be seen; for example as light, fire, lightning or cloud. The Bible shows that although there is only one true God, God is not limited to one spiritual body, because  the Bible speaks of "7 Spirits of God" that are poured out over the Earth and that they stand before God's Throne (Revelation 5: 6). However, the same Bible states that God is one Spirit and that there is only one true God who, despite all those Spirits, is one, Romans 3:30, so there are not several gods because of several Spirits.

Are you ready for the Second Coming every day?

Jesus tells in Matthew 25: 1-13 how 10 bridesmaids are waiting for the coming of the Bridegroom. They all have oil lamps with them, but only half of them also took spare oil with them for if the Bridegroom may return very late and their lamp gets empty. Are you ready every day for the Second Coming of Jesus in the proper way? Are you the Lamp of Jesus? Do you have oil in that lamp? Do you have spare oil too?

Being there for your fellow men or women

We live in a time where everything seems well organized. Sickness benefits, social benefits, unemployment benefits, housing allowances, health insurance, district nursing, etc. But it often only concerns formally regulated matters by the government or by governmental departments. However good that minimal, inadequate safety net seems: we no longer see each other as persons / individuals in need or with needs because of it. And even less we see, that there could be a personal task for yourself! It is often seen as difficult and time-consuming and "there is professional help for that" people often say. Would that professional help be a suitable solution or rather the cause of the problem and further problems?

Christian or perfect? !!

Jesus tells in Luke 18: 11-14 about the Pharisee and the Tax collector who both went into the temple to pray. The learned Pharisee who thought to live a perfect life according to God's standards did not however to Christian standards in this parable! The tax collector however did not start from knowledge and learning, but was honest about himself and in faith. He knew that he was a sinner and wanted and needed forgiveness. You could say that he even lowered himself; and he asked for forgiveness. And according to Jesus he got it; but not "the perfect Pharisee"! 

Faith knows peaks and valleys

Sometimes you are faced with difficult choices or there are unpleasant or uncertain times. Prayers do not seem to offer any ready-made solutions. Or praying seems almost impossible; words do not come, reluctance to pray or getting blocked from the inside. And then you start to doubt, your faith seems to become "thinner" and you just do not know it anymore. Recognizable? Hopefully this paper will help you in a practical and personal way, so that you can topple those valleys or change them into restored trust and encouragement!

Forgiving someone gives life!

In this hasty & fast times we often give ourselves no time for reflection. Either it is 'makeable' or not. If not? Then away with it! This is how we deal with relationships, friends, coworkers, people we meet and problems. So you get divorce on divorce, neighbors quarrelling on and disputes with colleagues. And also in traffic everything has to be fast and sharp and we only give ourselves space; other road users are a nuisance only and you may therefore cut them off the road, give them the finger or even hit them or crash them off the road ... But what if you get into a separation? Or if you have a long-term neighbor's quarrel? What if your husband, wife or child is fatally hit? It then usually goes from bad to worse; and forgiveness is more difficult than you think ...

Praying in a biblical way

Talking (softly/whispering) aloud or in your thoughts with 1. God in the name of Christ (John 16:23) or with 2. Christ directly (John 14: 13-14) as your Lord and King is called "praying". Christ himself gives these 2 possibilities in the Bible. When you realize and belief that both exist, you can also address each of them and ask for protection, help, encouragement and blessing, for example. God awakens you to that realization and faith.

Iemand vergeven geeft leven!

In deze snelle tijd gunnen we onszelf vaak geen enkel moment van bezinning. Of het is ‘maakbaar’ of niet. Zo niet? Dan weg ermee! Zo lijkt dat in ieder geval. Zo gaat dan ook in de omgang met relaties. Dus krijg je scheiding op scheiding, burenruzie op burenruzie en onmin met collega’s. En ook in het verkeer moet alles snel-snel en geven we alleen nog onszelf de ruimte; andere weggebruikers zijn alleen maar lastig, en mag je daarom afsnijden, de vinger geven of zelfs aan- of doodrijden... Wat als je in vechtscheiding komt? Of als je een langdurige burenruzie komt? Wat als jouw man, vrouw of kind dodelijk wordt aangereden? Het gaat dan doorgaans van kwaad tot erger; en vergeven is dan moeilijker dan je denkt...

Elke dag klaarstaan voor de Wederkomst ?!

Jezus vertelt in Mattheüs 25:1-13 over hoe 10 bruidsmeisjes staan te wachten op de komst van de Bruidegom. Zij hebben allen olielampjes bij zich, maar slechts de helft van hen nam ook reserve olie mee voor als de Bruidegom wellicht heel laat zou terugkeren en je lamp leeg raakt. Sta jij elke dag klaar voor de Wederkomst van Jezus op de daarvoor nodige wijze?

Geloof kent pieken en dalen

Soms sta je voor moeilijke keuzes of volgen er nare of onzekere tijden. Gebeden lijken géén pasklare oplossingen te bieden. Of bidden lijkt bijna onmogelijk te worden; woorden komen niet, tegenzin om te gaan bidden of geblokkeerd raken vanbinnen. En dan ga je twijfelen, lijkt je geloof “dunner” te worden en weet je het even niet meer. Herkenbaar? Hopelijk helpt deze paper je op een praktische en persoonlijke wijze, zodat je die dalen kan aftoppen of omzetten in hersteld vertrouwen en bemoediging!

Er zijn voor je naasten

We leven in een tijd waarin alles goed geregeld lijkt te zijn. Ziekte uitkeringen, Bijstandsuitkeringen, werkeloosheidsuitkeringen, huurtoeslagen, ziektekostenverzekeringen, wijkverpleging, enzovoort. Maar het betreft vaak alleen formeel geregelde zaken door overheid of door overheidsdiensten. Hoe goed dat minieme, gebrekkige vangnet ook is: daardoor zien we elkaar niet meer als personen/individuen in nood of met noden. En nog minder dat er een persoonlijke taak voor jezelf in weggelegd zou kunnen zijn! Het wordt vaak alleen als lastig en tijdrovend gezien en “daar heb je toch professionele hulp voor” denkt of zegt men dan vaak. Zou in die hulp een passende oplossing liggen of eerder de oorzaak van het probleem en verdere problemen?