God exists & works!

Theoretical chatter about whether God YHWH exists or not is timeless - with or without the Bible - and often leads to nothing. Speaking from practice with God immediately makes a lot clear!

God YHWH is a Spirit (John 4:24) and works both spiritually and physically, i.e.: through our mind and body, but also through our trade, conduct and what we encounter in people, animals, things, weather, nature and traffic. So even if you deny Him and do not believe in Him or keep idols or engage in self-glorification ... 

Praying = talking/having contact 

Although neither God nor Christ need our requests or encouragement and can act completely autonomously: our requests for help, requests for support and requests for protection or healing or blessing are certainly heard and also answered. Depending on our bond with God and Christ, on our heart and our ways.  However: the practical answer will not always be as we imagine it to be...

Hearing God's Voice as "conscience"...

Often years before you possibly get into a relationship with God and with Christ, God already speaks to you. He often pleads very practically in your thoughts for your spiritual and physical health. On the one hand so that you leave behind the evil/corruptible/harmful and on the other hand to encourage you to do the good/loving/righteous. That is often dismissed as "our conscience", but God is in fact the Voice that speaks to us in our thoughts (sometimes out loud!). And even then, everything works both ways: requests and comments are also heard by God and sometimes answered; immediately or (much) later! The relationship with God through Christ Yeshua is the intention or the practical fulfillment of the Gospel, but seeking contact is in fact already the confirmation of the existence of God;  even if you would be angry with Him without a relationship...

Listening to God's exhortations or advice at a young age keeps you healthy, on the right path and brings you to the narrow path when it becomes ingrained as behavior. And from there to a structural relationship and the conditions for it.

As soon as the relationship in terms of faith and acting on it exists and is established in the same way, the existence of God and of Christ (John 17:3, Rom 10:9) becomes even more tangible!

Of course through the spiritual Gifts that you received after you were linked to God YHWH who is a Spirit through prayer with the laying on of hands. The effect of those Gifts was not there before and you cannot bring about the effect yourself. It is God who makes those Tools available to you, activates them and gives them their Effect. It cannot be more tangible than that.

Your prayers and the noticeable consequences also make the existence of God tangible, although prayers are not always answered as we think, but often do lead to an ultimate result for which we pray. Does Christ Yeshua also work?!  Just pray to him directly for a while (John 14:13-14) and you will find out and thus also confirmation of his existence.

But God and Christ can also decide to contact you through visions, dreams, inspirations or talking to you: out loud or in your thoughts! That can be very confronting, but is then also often immediately necessary ...

The existence of God and of Christ works both ways: also from them and not only from us!
