Building a relationship with Christ also!
To be able to do so in general you firstly have to know God and know Christ also says Christ in John17:3 as follows:
"This is life eternal: that they know Thee, the one True God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou has sent".
God is a Spirit called YHWH or YaHWeH, John4:24. Christ is called Yeshua or church latinized Jesus. (Yet Christ wasn't born in Greece, Rome, church or the UK).
To build up a relationship with Christ as well you have to do the following:
#1. Pray to him directly, John14:13-14
#2. Confess him as Lord, Romans10:9
#3. Call him by his true name Yeshua
#4. Praise him as you do God too, John5:23, Acts4:10-12.
If you ignore Christ then God will ignore you also:
"that all may honor the Son, just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him", John5:23.
Do remember: Christ says he was sent by the One True God in John17:3:
"This is life eternal: that they know Thee, the one True God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou has sent".
And Christ says this in John20:17:
"I ascend to my and your Father, to my and your God".
The Father is the God of Christ and of us. So don't ignore him with the pagan church trinity or biunity.
• Build a relationship with Christ also through prayer, John14:13-14
• Build a relationship with God but with an appeal on Christ, John16:23.
There is 1 God and 1 Lord Christ:
"yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, AND one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist", 1Corinthians8:6
So build that personal relationship with Christ starting from today. Pray to him directly, call him Yeshua and acknowledge him as your Lord and personal Saviour!
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