A person can get lots of aliases from everyone, but that doesn't erase his true name. Instead his true name is the name he listens to and reacts to; his personal identity. The person he truly is...
"Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel”, Matthew 1:23
"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder. And his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace", Isaiah 9:6
"The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham", Matthew1:1.
The Greek Bible being church Latinized gives Christ certain names and titles and the church faith leads to given aliases that are untrue, wrongly interpreted and actually blasphemous, but still the Bible is true, because that's how they call him.
Why the names are untrue, wrong and blasphemous? Because:
1. The one true God YHWH sent us Christ (John17:3) so God didn't go Himself and thus God isn't there with us literally, but only figuratively. Thus the name Immanuel isn't the actual truth especially when considering that churches use that name to declare Christ being the one true God which is blasphemy according to Exodus 20:1-3.
"This is life eternal: that they know Thee, the one true God, and Christ Yeshua whom Thou has sent", John17:3.
2. Christ is definitely not "The mighty God"; instead he is the Lord of God (Romans 10:9) sent by the one true God (John17:3).
"Confess Christ as Lord and believe with your heart God raised him from the dead and you will be saved", Romans10:9.
3. Christ is definitely not "the everlasting Father", but he is the son of God (John20:17). Also Christ is not eternal, but instead he was created first by God before Creation (Proverbs 8:22-31) thus living with God in Gods Glory before Creation (John17:5). And Christ was born as the son of men and he died at the cross. Clearly Christ has a beginning twice and an ending, so he is not eternal as God YHWH is the Eternal God.
"I ascend to my and your Father, to my and your God", John20:17.
4. Christ is definitely not called "Jesus", because he wasn't born in the Latinized church, neither in Greece, nor in the UK. Christ was born a Hebrew with a Hebrew name: Yeshua meaning "he that saves the people from their sins'. Because Christ embodies the sacrifice God YHWH accepted for our sins. And that's how Christ saves us from our sins.
Moreover John3:18 makes very clear we need to believe in Christ and in his true name or else be condemned already:
"Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only son of God".
Churches use aliases to not confess Christ as the Lord of God (Romans10:9), but instead to declare him God which he is not. In that way churches have another God before God YHWH, which is idolatry and blasphemous, Exodus 20:2-3:
"I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before {Or besides } me"
Christ is not eternal, Christ doesn't know what God knows (Mark13:32), Christ is a servant of God sent by God (John17:3) and HighPriest of God (Hebrews8:1-2, 5:5, 6:20) and Christ needs a Revelation God provides him with, Revelation 1:1.
"Believe in God, also believe in me", John14:1
So what's in the name?
The name you use will show whether you are a worldly pagan churchmember or not. Whether you have a personal relationship with Christ or not. Whether you are misled by the worldly church spirit or led by God's Spirit. Whether your faith is true and biblical according to the words/teachings of Christ (John17:3+John14:1) or deceptive and unbiblical according to church programming. And depending on how you react to this paper whether you are sincere or not.
When you feel pain, fear, unmight, dirty, guilty: it's your heart and mind telling you
there is something wrong with your current path and you need to get off it and change. How to do so: read the following: