Church musicians in deception

Surely music is the first passion of musicians and that is why they are easily brought- and staying in deception. All they eagerly want to do is sing and/or make music. Their usually short church education goes in fast; hook, line and sinker. And then in a great hurry they communicate their deception to others with the most beautiful music. Yet mistaking Christ for God, mistaking God's Own Spirit for a person, calling Christ Father, etcetera...

Thus they don't only mislead others singing about the pagan church faith from Babylon, but they are also lost forever!

Are you a church musician? Then please read the following and turn away from your deception. Don't wait for others to join you, but read and do what is needed:

#1. How all churches are in Babylon; so you & your church too!

#2. Needed biblical faith to be saved and to get to life eternal

#3. How to connect to God Who is a Spirit with your spirit

#4. 1st Aid Kit for churchmembers

#5. How theological church teachings program turns you into a pagan and how the church gospel tricks you in that process

Stop running behind the music and read these links first. Don't look for excuses but change your ways!
