God is called YAHWEH or abbreviated JAH (pronounced JAW). And Christ the Lord and High Priest of God (Romans 10:9, Hebrews 6:20) is called Yeshua. But new cults are emerging that want to make themselves appear different and completely more authentic via "even more Hebrew names" via Jewish Masoretic dots from the Middle Ages and interpretations from the Old Testament. But is that really the case and is it actually correct?!
Linguistically not and also not in terms of faith, as I found out from conversations with a number of followers of that cult on a Facebook group and via the information they offer on the internet:
Linguistically: they get the name "Yahuah" from Exodus 3:14 in which Moses asks who he should tell the Israelites in Egypt who sent him to them. There it is indeed said "Yahuah": "I am who I am". HOWEVER: Exodus 3:2 states that Moses sees a (Original text!) "Malak YHWH" as a fire in the bush; a messenger of YHWH, of God.
So the real name of God is YHWH. The name Yahuah that Moses has to give to the Israelites is therefore a kind of practical interpretation of His Name; call it a figure of speech, title or approach to who God is: the Eternal who always is.
Since that "figure of speech title" is only intended for the Jews in Egypt because of the role of Moses (bringing them out of slavery), that title is definitely not the name of God. Actually not then and not now, although He is practically certainly the Eternal ("I am who I am"). The intention was that the Jews in slavery would accept it as authentic and with that Moses too.
In terms of faith: what I get from conversations is that their "Yahusha" - Masoretic-Medieval or Yahoshua - Old Testament - often not seen as Christ, because they see him as the BIUNITY GODHEAD which then makes Yahuah Yahusha. They often do not answer specific questions about this. I even got the feeling that there was even disinterest in who Christ is according to Scripture!
With what I got in answers, I think I see that this cult builds on Messianism and is Jewish culture aimed at being even more authentic in that way and thus being even closer to God for their feeling. And in my opinion also with a background of "Jewish glorification" therefore. A way that also gives itself the attitude of arrogantly not having to say anything of substance and not having to go into biblical details anymore, except claiming linguistic superiority.
About the linguistic aspect this:
1. It concerns a medieval adaptation of Scripture
2. Done by Jewish people (Masoretes).
So you can put huge question marks about the authenticity of both the rewritten Scripture and because of their Jewish origins/upbringing (under Rome!) regarding the interpretation of it/therefore! I find their interpretation from Jewish binitarianism (=idolatry) in any case not guided by God and unreliable.
What I find even more annoying, however, is that these name adjustments or falsifications are immediately used again for others to (thereby) seize the opportunity to demonstrate that YHWH would in any case be an idol from older times before the Jews existed, in order to then also posit shortened names for YHWH in that argument as a "merger" or "precursor". It would not surprise me if this cult also has a hand in that process...
More important than the name of God (YHWH) is that He is the only true God (Exodus 20:1-3, John 17:3).
More important than the true name of Christ (Yeshua: "he who saves people from their sins" in Hebrew) is that he is the Lord (Romans 10:9) and High Priest (Hebrews 6:20) of God so he is definitely not a "plural god in 2 or 3 unity"! Christ does not know what God knows (Mark 13:32) and therefore needs a Revelation that God gives him (Revelation 1:1).
It is an old trick of cults to mislead you into idolatry via expensive or so-called "more authentic names"!