What about the church ancestors?!

That all churches from the first foundation to the present are in Babylon is very difficult for the living believer and his/her own faith and choices. But certainly also because of the ancestors who died in that church deception! Is there anything left to say about that?!

The essence of a deception is to ensure that you do not know or do something, so that you suffer damage from it and someone else can benefit from it. In this case: church deception to deformation and eternal destruction. And it is the devil who is in charge of that and takes great pleasure in it! 

The church deception from RCC root to the extensive sects of more modern contemporary churches in branch and fruit is a vehicle of the adversary of God. And yes: that deception does not remain without consequences!

Without a biblical faith in the one true God and in Christ no eternal life, says Christ in John 17:3.

Without Christ as Lord of God YHWH and believing in God there is no salvation says Paul in Romans 10:9.

Without laying faith in the same way (baptism to Christ, Galatians 3:27; followed by prayer with laying on of hands leading to God, Acts 19:6, 8:17-18) you will not get a spiritual link with God Who is a Spirit (John 4:24) and no Gifts of the Spirit. In this way you do your own will and that is sin and so you grow into the fruit of sin that is visible in the churches. As what then? The desire for worldly organization, power, splendor and pomp. The massive global pedophilia and rape. The political and fiscal desire and course. The worldly organizational form, Chamber of Commerce registration, profit & loss account, tax deduction. Paid employees who preach, manage and determine the future, and so on. The church members also do not know any better than that it should be like this as "collective Christianity"....

Being a Christian is not possible on that broad worldly church path In this way you are simply the world in the ways of the world and you grow in sin with the appearance of Christianity.

The church ancestors who died in that deforming deception await God's Judgment, in which God will look at the heart and the fruit. God is Truth, Justice and Love. And He is the only true God and I leave the final Judgment with Him! And I advise everyone to do that too and not to be led by fears or powerlessness in this.

Much more important for you as a living reader is not to let yourself be deceived (any longer) and to accept the saving biblical faith AND to practically and formally renounce your misleading church faith. So stop with church lemming behavior and continue set-apart on the narrow path to salvation.

Keep that new narrow path that you can only personally walk on for yourself as long as possible and grow in that faith to eternal life, lay that faith likewise, so that afterwards you can go out with solid faith knowledge, faith, laid faith, Spirit and Gifts in Christ as Christ asks of his own! Then there is more than enough opportunity to tell about this with your own path of faith as a possible reason.
