It will be a great shock to hear, but all church members are programmed into a fake, pagan faith! Reading this will cause most people to stop reading and swipe away. Maybe out of total disbelief or out of total fear; or everything in between? If you are reading still you may not be easily frightened or you may only read so you can have a good laugh about it all after? My hope is that after reading this you will be alarmed but not frightened; neither laughing nor crying. There is hope when you get insight on how to get off the broad road and getting on the narrow path.
Maybe your first thoughts are "but God works in my life and prayers". Or "I have seen miracles happen". Or "I feel so blessed". "How can this not be true faith?". Yes: God works all the time, but that doesn't turn you into a Christian! What does? Your faith and how that faith was established (or not)...
The first things that pop-up in your mind may be John3:16-18 and John1:1 of course, maybe also Matthew28:19 that led you to a trinity or biunity church godhead. And maybe Acts 2:38 led you to believe to just be baptized unto Christ and also to receive God's Spirit? Extensive church programming leading you to church service or sitting in the church bench. What can be wrong with such a programming? As all programming: that it keeps you away from the true big picture and in deceit. Thus keeping you from being saved, keeping you from eternal life so you grow into bad fruit while thinking and feelings everything is fine...
Saved by a certain faith: Romans 10:9.
To begin with Romans10:9 in which Paul tells directly what faith is needed in order to be SAVED: "Confess Christ as Lord and believe with your heart God raised him from the dead and you will be saved".
How to get Eternal life, John17:3.
Christ says: "This is life eternal: that they know Thee, the one true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou has sent", John17:3.
Clearly Paul and Christ are talking about 1 God and 1 Lord of God you have to know. Not in a trinity godhead, not in a biunity godhead and not just in God either!
God (YHWH) is a Spirit, says Christ in John4:24. Christ however isnot a Spirit, but he received a new, heavenly body according to Romans 8:11 even to the example of the Christians that also receive God's Spirit. Then immediately the question arises: how to get Gods Spirit?!
Very important of course is having a true faith in 1 true God (YHWH) and in 1 Lord Christ (Yeshua). With a fake faith you will never get a connection with God, so you have to leave that pagan trinity godhead or condensed biunity behind!
Next step is you realize Christ is someone else than God. Christ is the servant and HighPriest of God, Hebrews 5:5 + Hebrews 8:1-2. God isn't His Own HighPriest neither His Own servant. Christ doesn't know what God knows (Mark13:32) and therefore needs a Revelation given by God, Revelation 1:1.
Joining Christ is done differently than joining God, because they are not the same person.
Joining Christ: by baptism (Acts19:5, Galatians 3:27).
Joining God: by the laying on of hands after baptism took place, Acts19:6, Acts8:17-18.
Why Acts2:38, joining Christ and receiving God's Spirit, doesn't apply anymore? Because that was during the time of the Outpouring of Gods Spirit. After that Outpouring period the apostles baptize unto Christ (in Christ's name), read Acts19:5 and Acts8:16. And unto God and Gifts the baptism is followed by the laying on of hands, Acts19:6 and Acts8:17-18.
The church programming fooled you in not reading ahead after Acts2:38 and could do so because the programmed John3:16-18 and John1:1 thus laying the basis for the trinity or biunity godhead made you believe therefore a baptism alone would cover it all.
You should have read the true Gospel in John17:3. Then you would have known there is 1 true God and 1 Lord Christ sent by God.
But it gets even worse: John3:18 mentions you need the true name of Christ; and it is not Jesus! Jesus is the phonetic Latin church name of Christ out of phonetic Greek. Yet Christ wasn't born in Greece, neither in the Latin church nor in the UK. Yeshua is the true name of Christ...
"Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God", John3:18.
Churchmembers don't know and don't believe in the true name of Christ! So according to their own standard of belief (John3:16-18) they are condemned already...
I hope that what I show here will wake you up to your wrong and deceptive church programming. Don't give up and don't despair but instead read here how to break free from that programming and how to establish saving faith:
#1. Church programmed teachings debunked
#2. Broad church way or narrow path?
#3. All churches are in Babylon?!
#4. How to leave church Babylon
#6. The needed true name of Christ?!
#7. How to link with God after baptism