This paper shows how to determine and compile God's Days and Feasts on Biblical Calendar, because the Jewish Hillel2 calendar and the church calendar are not biblical neither suitable for Christians!
#1. Determine the astronomical new moons (= first moment no visible moon) closest to the Spring Equinox (20 March) of the Northern Hemisphere to find 1 Nisan: the startingday of Gods Calendar:
Type in Google for 2024:
"new moons 2024+your country or region".
Find the new moons closest before and after 20 March; also look at the exact time of those new moons. When the new moon falls before sundown of that day the New Moon will be kept on that day during DAYTIME. If not: the New Moon will be kept the next day during DAYTIME.
Pay attention: the Biblical Day is from sundown to sundown of the next day.
Usually it is easy to determine the New Moon closest to the Spring Equinox if you compare the days for and after that Spring Equinox. Yet also is needed when you look 13 days ahead after that 1st New Moon day to 14 Nisan it is NOT on a full moon! If 14 Nisan falls on a full moon: SKIP that nearest New Moon and go ahead and use the next nearest New Moon instead.
Now you have established the 1st day, the New Moon of the month Nisan of Gods Calendar for 2024 in your country/region.
Searching for sundown on a certain date type in Google: "sundown <date> <your country or region">.
#2. Determine all remaining New Moons for God's Calendar of 2024
All the astronomical new moons after with corresponding times should be compared with the corresponding sundown of that new moon to also determine the New Moons of the following months on Gods Calendar. Again: astronomical new moon is before sundown: New Moon is during DAYTIME of that day. If not: during DAYTIME of the next day. Those New Moons are the first day of each month of the Calendar of God.
#3. Determine Passover, Feast Unleavened Bread and First fruit Feast
PASSOVER falls during the dusk after sundown 13 days after the date of 1 Nisan. So add 13 days and Passover is on that day during darkening after sundown of that evening. During Passover Christians keep the Lord's Supper.
Actually the FEAST UNLEAVENED BREAD starts with the sundown before that Passover: sundown of 15 Nisan. And ends 7 days later with sundown of 21 Nisan. That is why Passover is without leavened bread and without leavened wine. The historical evening supper however was 1 day before the Great Sabbath of 14/15 Nisan; on a Tuesday!
The FIRST FRUIT FEAST is kept on the Sunday in that FUB week (Leviticus 23:9-11). Historically that Sunday the grave was found empty (John20:1) because Christ was resurrected by God YHWH 3 biblical days (Genesis 1:5) after the Wednesday crucifixion and burial before sundown (Matthew12:40) leading to Saturday before sundown. Thus the grave was found empty in the dark early morning of that Sunday. During the daytime of that Sunday Christ would be presented to God in Heaven Christ tells in John20:17 to Mary Magdalene, also Philippians 2:9-11 tells about this event.
#4. Determine Pentecostal Day
Pentecostal Sunday is always the 50th day after First fruit Feast Sunday. 7 weeks and 1 day. It starts with sundown of the previous Saturday.
#5. Determine Feast of Trumpets
Feast of Trumpets is the New Moon of the 7th month (6th one after 1 Nisan) starting with sundown of the previous day, Leviticus 23:24.
#6. Determine Atonement Day (fasting)
Atonement Day is the 10th day of the 7th month: a day of fasting (Leviticus 16:29) and starts with sundown of the previous day.
#7. Determine Tabernacle Feast/Feast of Boots & Last Great Day
The Tabernacle Feast starts on the 15th day of the 7th month (Leviticus 23:39) with sundown of the previous day. It ends on the 22st day of the 7th month: the 8th day called Last Great Day (John7:37) with sundown.
PS: Gods weekly Sabbath is every Friday sundown till Saturday sundown and is to be kept as a day of rest; no working.
PS2: ONE THING STILL NEEDED: Establish, determine New Moons for January, Februari and March of the next year also !!! You have to keep every New Moon untill Gods Calendar starts again with 1 Nisan next year!
More about Gods Feasts:
Gods Feasts main page on sign2God