Glad with God's Feasts

An oasis of peace in the hectic world

Keeping God's Sabbath (Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, Exodus 20:8-11) is already very different from the world with its Sunday or 24/7 view.  A small island full of peace and blessing, while the world keeps turning:

"And God blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it, because in it he rested from all the work which God had wrought in creating," Genesis 2:3.

“There are six working days in each week, but the seventh day is a day of complete rest, so that you may leave all your work and come together to honor the LORD. That day, the Sabbath, you shall observe as the Lord's day, where  you also dwell," Leviticus 23:3

Only when we heard of the New Moon and the other Feasts and added them to the Sabbath did our rest become more complete and a great Blessing.  God's Biblical Calendar is a continuous chain of rest in the year;  from God's Will to God's Blessing!

God's Biblical Calendar falls earlier than the Jewish Hillel2 feasts, which are no longer Biblical, but have been overturned and fixed at the request of Rome.  Biblical Christians thus gain an advantage in rest and God's Blessing.

The periodic rest really gives rest to real health, for example:

• weekly rest on the Sabbath;

• monthly rest on the New Moon;

Feast unleavened bread in the spring;

Feast of Tabernacles in the fall.

Not working/not letting others work, trade or otherwise make a profit for you.  But not only that: also how God blesses those who follow His Settings on His Calendar!  This is how you achieve peace, good health and a future;  a future with eternal prospect:

"Therefore, do not take criticism when it comes to eating and drinking, celebrating holidays, the New Moon or the Sabbath. Such matters are but a shadow of things to come; the reality itself is Christ," Col  2:16-17

Those who keep God's Days and Feasts soon discover how wonderful they are and how good they do;  especially if you contrast them with the crazy world without rest or with certain occult days without blessing.  You can plan God's Days and Feasts well in advance and take time off.  Sometimes that can be a bit difficult, taking a leave of absence in this world, because it only seems to revolve around work and unrest.  But with God's Will, prayer and perseverance it is certainly not impossible.

The reward is truly relaxing monthly and throughout the year, while everything around you continues.  You get more time, less stress, more health and fewer diseases.  More time for prayer, Bible study, worship music, growing in the Fruit of the Spirit, and so on.

For people with children: yes, sometimes schools continue and education is compulsory, but there is sufficient overlap and where this is not the case, you will take the children to school, but as an adult you set a good example.  With that peace and creativity you will grow in happiness!  So also teach your children about the weekly Sabbath, monthly New Moon Day and the other Feasts.  And don't compromise yourself when it comes to God's Days and Feasts: a diluted, lukewarm faith is not a blessing!!!

So don't hesitate any longer and switch to God's Feasts on God's Calendar with God's Plan in the past, present & future and do not follow the pagan determined RC and Hillel2 feasts with the appearance of biblical.