Wrong youth programming

Spiritual decay & physical damage leading to bad fruit and eternal death

Spoon-fed incorrect programming concerning nutrition, behavior and faith (also through church music & musicians) is becoming visible en masse in global society.

The parents and ancestors provided it and passed it on: starting with nutrition and how to behave, often based on church faith, new age or another world religion.  And this is how it is determined in which fruit you grow, what kind of person you become and what your future will be spiritually and physically. 

The Fall of Adam and Eve determines nutrition

Man is intended for purely plant-based nutrition and designed for this purpose by God, Genesis 1:29 makes this abundantly clear:

"God also said, 'I give you every seed-bearing plant and every fruit tree on the earth, and they shall be your food."

However, after the Fall, God allowed animal food to be eaten from only certain animals, Leviticus 11:2-25, but "never the fat or the blood", Leviticus 3:17 + Leviticus 17:12-14.  And so many eat animal foods against their design;  and even against the ordinances of God, animals that they are not allowed to eat, and yet with fat and blood in them.  And they also feed their children this...

This creates habituation due to this pre-programming in terms of nutrition.  And this is how common diseases arise, which are then confused with "DNA problems" (maximum 10%), but where diet is the truly pathogenic hereditary factor (60%).  And so we are experiencing massive obesity, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, COPD, autoimmune diseases, low quality of life and premature death worldwide.  But also massive addictions and addictive behavior...

Moreover, you can guess that allowing the killing and slaughter of animals, their captivity for this purpose or other abuses - as is common in meat & dairy farms, fish farms and chicken farms - is increasingly detrimental concerning the respect for life, nature and the environment. The Fall of Adam and Eve still and increasingly determines our physical and mental (un)health.

Incorporated idolatry & behavior

Idolatry was also eagerly followed from the Fall onwards.  Just like with the wrong food, the wrong spiritual food is also consumed eagerly and en masse!

Idolizing people and animals, for example, through idols of people, objects and animals.  To start with the idolatry from Babylon with the triune sungod (Baal, Easter and Tammuz) with respectively the Baal obelisk, the Easter bunny and Christmas tree idol representing trinity childgod Tammuz a.k.a. Attis and his sacred winter solstice we now know as Christmas.

We also find that pagan Babylon in all churches, but now through church sun-day for sungod Baalder, church Easter for sungod wife Easter and church Christmas for sungod child Tammuz.  And the church's triune godhead with 3 names (father, son, spirit) that are no actual names.  Idolatry that came into the Roman Empire via Roman emperor Heliogabalus and into all churches 1 century later via Roman Catholic church founder Roman emperor Constantinus and Roman Catholic priest Luther.  Also in the Messianic Church, the Jehovah's Church (= Freemasonry Church through founder CT Russell; Freemasonry= Babylonian idolatry) and the churches that have only 1 god (without Christ).

This ecclesiastical idolatry is also reflected in the diet, including through:

 • "Friday fish day"; Friday coming from Freijaday = Holy day of Easter as adopted by the Roman Catholic Church;  she is the mother of the  fishgod child Tammuz symbolized by the miter the RC church priests wear...

The church faith thus misleads people into worshiping the sungod from Babylon through worldly organizations with the appearance of Christianity.

Church idolatry & behavior 

The behavior of that church idolatry is sham Christian in a direct and indirect sense, which quickly becomes clear if you know about the massive pedophilia worldwide among church priests, church leaders who get paid for their faith and are in tune with politics and political leaders, the churches who  all come together and do together on the broad church path.  And the church members who live by that example, take advantage of tax deductions, subject themselves to the worldly organization and the fruit of it.

The idolatry of their church and church leaders thus causes unnoticeable pedophilia of their own children, exploitation and abortion of their (illegitimate) children, idolization of church materialism (large church building, golden attributes, expensive inventory, etc.) and greater-greater aspirations and thinking.  

And so their programmed behavior, beliefs and diet - unmistakably coherent - determine their worldly, idolatrous fruit.  And through tradition, it results in total mental and physical decay.  Exactly what the devil intended with the apparently simple original sin that Eve and Adam committed.

However, God calls His people out of that church Babylon, out of that idolatrous programming with the appearance of being a Christian as can be read in Revelation 18:2 and 18:4.

Read how to leave that church Babylon spiritually and physically!  Make it quick, because that process of leaving in faith, behavior and moving away from it takes time.
