Christ wasn't born in winter!

The Xmas-winter solstice is not the time of birth of Christ, but of another child!

The winter solstice ("solar Invictus") 25-26 December is the holy time of a pagan childgod named Tammuz or Attis from Babylon symbolized by the Xmas tree. He is part of the Babylonian trinity sungod: 

Baalder (holy sunday), 

Easter (holy Easter, Carnaval) and 

Tammuz (holy winter solstice 25+26 december). 

This Babylonian sungod trinity that also was model for the church trinity and equal holy days(!) is the devil or satan! Another child, another lord. All churches are (leading you) in deception with that godhead!

Christ was definitely not born in December! The sheep and shepherds were still in the fields (Luke2:8) at nights which is so from March till October. Winter till Spring are too cold and too bald for the sheep.

The Bible clearly says Christ was born 6 months after John the Baptist, Luke1:24-26, 36

John was conceived during Zacharia was priest during Abijah, Luke1:5-20, about mid June (verse 23-24). So John was born about mid March.

As a consequence Christ was born about mid/end September when the harvest is collected and the weather is warm still.

This is also supported by the Bible, because Luke 2:5-8 says people go to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles (Fall feast) to pay their taxes and be counted.

So step off that broad church road because it leads to the broad church gate of destruction. Don't holy its pagan days for pagan gods; don't defile yourself any longer, but instead choose for the biblical faith that saves you and provides life eternal. Keep biblical days and feasts that honor that faith!

Additional information:

Christ was born in Autumn
