Whose music comes from your heart?

For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”, Matthew 12:34.

"‭That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit", John 3:6.

Music has a major impact on every person.  It strengthens actions or even encourages actions, it strengthens feelings, it distracts from problems, and so on.  Unfortunately, the devil was created as a musical angel with spiritual power that speaks to our spirit;  and deceives, deforms, and thus tempts people:

[About the devil] "The work of your tambourines and your flutes was with you; in the day that you were created they were prepared," Ezekiel 28:13

“Your splendor has been brought down to Sheol, as well as the sound of your stringed instruments. ,” Isaiah 14:11.

“Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil,” Matthew 4:1.

Those who are of this world and are connected to it are spiritually led by the devil.  And the music that artists are made to create, which then becomes popular with many, is inspired by him.  It is often music that reinforces worldly behavior and actions: idolization and glorification of sex, violence, lust, pain in all kinds, addiction, ridicule, and so on.  But not always.  The devil is also a liar who likes to deceive with half-truths and the appearance of being christian and who at the same time tries to arouse feelings to make everything appear "authentic" through apathy or a transcendent state of consciousness.  In practical language: it taps into your feelings, feels very sweet or gives a great feeling that takes you into higher experiences or spheres with the suggestion of true worship that is answered.  

A lot of popular church music is from the devil.  This is also logical if you know that church members do not have a biblical faith and therefore did not receive God's Spirit and Spiritual Gifts, because their church faith was not placed in accordance with that of a biblical faith.  In this way you actually do everything from your own will and heart, not from God's Will...

John 3:6 says it all: whatever comes from the flesh is to flesh.  And the devil as a spiritual power is a determining, misleading factor unto the flesh.

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in the heavens”, Ephesians 6:12.

Music by church musicians makes the church Babylon of the devil sound in faith and fruit and thus returns to deception and deformity for those who surrender to it or sing along and pass on half church truths in words.

A number of Hillsongs, for example, contain clearly transcendent melodies, some of which also have lyrics that are not based on the Bible but on Hinduism and New Age.  And oh how popular they are in churchland.  It goes down like a cake.

And then there are the individual singers and bands that bring programmed church teachings from Babylon into their songs that go against what Christ teaches.  Or that bring repeatings upon repeatings into the songs for the (occult) meditative, transcendent effect, where very sweet sounds seem to lift you spiritually and thus suggest "authentically Christian"...

That church music is just as worldly and popular as regular pop music and leads to the same intoxication and spiritual deformation, but with the appearance of being Christian-like.  And so the devil also has the people who would actually want to be Christian in his pocket in which he already had the average world...

Do not think that this is an attempt to get people back to Psalms set to whole note organ music that has kept many generations of churchgoers spiritually dead as if there is no New Testament and as if there is no possibility for reunion with God through His Spirit!

No: this is a renewed attempt to open your eyes.  First, to that necessary faith, so that your heart and mind begin in Christ and from God's Spirit.  Without that beginning there is no music from God to eternal life, but neither will there come from you any music that honors God or Christ.  Not even with the best intentions.  Secondly, you will see that a lot of music feels good and seems Christian, but it is definitely not.  So that thirdly you can say goodbye to that musical deception and deformity;  for example, by first reading what you are singing along to, by adapting the text to biblical content or simply by skipping the song entirely.  Also pay attention to transcendental charge through repeats in the lyrics, very sweet words and sounds (which almost cause itching, drowsiness or a kick) or non-biblical statements that are often presented in a picturesque way.

In short: realize that the unbiblical church faith leads from Babylon to Babylon by deception and deformity.  It does not protect you from deception, but with the help of music, for example, it draws you in deeper and deeper, playing on feelings as confirmation, whereby God's Voice and biblical faith are ignored or overruled.  So examine your music collection, read the lyrics, consciously look for rhythm, repeatings and sweetness in the songs.  And even better: investigate the religious foundation of the musicians and their religious organization(s).  A wrong or false faith does not lead to music that honors God or Christ, but at a minimum to something of the flesh leading to the flesh, at a maximum to something of a wrong spiritual power and influence.

“For from within the hearts of men proceed evil thoughts, adultery, fornication, murder, theft, covetousness, deceit, fornication, envy, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things proceed from within, and defile the  man,” Mark 7:20-22.

Starting from a renewed connection with God who is a Spirit (John4:24) is therefore really necessary.  And from there with a heart that speaks and sings!

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