Forgeries in the Bible (top5)
Church priests, theologians and statesmen have introduced forgeries into the Bible since the 4th century in order to support the then adopted triune sungod from Babylon. Important examples of this are:
1. Matthew 28:19, the 3 names baptism (Father, Son, Spirit) which are not actually names, for God who is Spirit (John 4:24) is called YaHWeH, and Christ Yeshua (derived "Jesus"). That 3 name formula was added to the 4th century Bible of the Roman Catholic Church. From the 3rd century letters of Eusebius we know that the 3 names formula was not there, quoted from a written Matthew Gospel. That will also be the reason why the Roman Catholic Church started burning written Gospels!
The unadulterated, original Text here says: "Go out and make disciples of all nations".
2. 1John 5:7-8, was forged by Erasmus under threat from the Church Fathers. This forgery also referring to RCC "Father, Son and Spirit who would be one", was suddenly added by Erasmus (after his earlier versions without this forgery) in later versions. This forgery is known as "the Comma Johanneum" or in English "Johanine Comma".
The unadulterated, original Text says here: "There are therefore three witnesses: the Spirit, the water, and the blood, and these three witnesses agree."
3. John 1:1 was changed very subtly, namely by omitting the word "Ho" from "Theos" where it says that "Logos" was with the "Ho Theos". In other words, that "the Word was with the (Most High) God. Then you also understand verse 2 that states "so the (Word) was with God" [not with himself].
The unadulterated original Text here says: "In the beginning was the Word. the Word was with the Most High God, and the Word was god (divine)".
4. Alpha and Omega were added to Jesus in several places, especially in references to the End Times and Second Coming in order to make him God.
5. Nouns, adjectives, adjectives, possessive pronouns, etc. referring to the son of God are suddenly capitalized, but at the same time referring to God with lowercase letters. This is done to make Christ more important and God less important, so that they would be one and the same...
It is striking that proponents of these falsifications in favor of the triune godhead doctrine also like to take as a starting point the emotional exclamation of Thomas ("my Lord, my God") or very cryptic statements or incorrect hearsay translations.
Why deny what Christ plainly says in John 17:3 and John 14:1? Eternal life by faith in 1 true God (YHWH) and in 1 Lord Jesus sent by God. So believe in God and in the Lord Jesus. Only then are you saved says Romans 10:9.
Not believing what Christ himself says and/or not believing accordingly (in 1 true God and in 1 Lord Jesus), does not lead to eternal life (John 17:3) and not to salvation (Romans 10:9). Denying/contradicting Christ is not possible for Christians, but very possible for church members with their triune godhead or condensed biune godhead obviously...*
With the ecclesiastical triune god or condensed biune god you are actually a participant in the ecclesiastical Babylon from which God just calls His own! You can read more about it here: God is calling everyone out of ecclesiastical Babylon! God calls His People out of church Babylon
* NB1: Christ does not know what only God knows, says Mark 13:32. Only God knows when Christ will be sent to us again. (God is the Father of Christ and of us, but also the God of Christ and of us, says Christ in John 20:17).
* NB2: Christ receives from God a Revelation states Revelation 1:1 so Christ clearly does not know what only God does know. So there is no triune godhead or biune godhead in equality having the same power and knowledge.