Necktie: the devil's tail

It's normal to wear a necktie on a white shirt with the 2 neckpoints of it folded under it. It perfectly shows a snake with its 2 venomous fangs...

In the 17th century the tie was already introduced to the nobles and soldiers. And the masonic elite wears them ever since. The fallen lucifer -the snake dragon- is the god they worship. Actually they show it by wearing the snake around their necks with their participating heads on it as its trophy.

"‭And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.‭", Revelation 12:9

Of course also the masonic church people wear the necktie; their church trinity or condensed biunity is that same lucifer: the trinity sungod from Babylon.

With such important people wearing them and giving that example also common people wear them on special occasions, when having a job interview or at a job. Even women wear them now. Blind and deaf they are following in the footsteps of the followers of the devil: a spiritual killer!

Wearing a necktie is very unhealthy bodily too.  You get green glaucoma of it, injured neck muscles, weakened neck, headache and migraine, a bad posture, shortness of breath.

Christians don't wear neckties because of the bodily and spiritual harm it causes; neither they want to be associated with the devil and its followers. Christians belong to God YHWH and to Christ Yeshua the Lord of God (Romans 10:9, John17:3).

What is fashionable, trustworthy and good manners for the world is evil, folly and bad influence for those who belong to God!
